Sofia Gil-Clavel

Actuarial and Computer Scientist studying social dynamics.

Welcome to my website

Hi! I am a researcher at TU Delft working on the SC3 project. I obtained a joint Ph.D. from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany, and the University of Groningen, Netherlands (link).

Previously, I studied actuarial science at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and I have a M.Sc. in Computer Science from the Mathematical Research Center of Mexico (CIMAT). During my Ph.D., I was part of the international schools:

You can learn more about my Ph.D. projects here and about my PostDoc work here.

In my work, I use Big Data (i.e., data from SCOPUS, Facebook, and Twitter) to study society’s drivers of Climate Change Adaptation, older people’s usage of communication technologies, and migrants’ cultural integration. I combine computer science techniques (e.g., machine learning and metaheuristics) with statistical and actuarial methods (generalized linear models, survival analysis, bootstrapping).

My interests are Data Science, Statistics, Natural Language Processing, and Computer Science. I love coding, looking for patterns, and visualizing data.